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Explosion and Fire Protection Consultancy

Working with CoalMillSafety✓ will help achieving compliance with the ATEX Directives, EN Norms and NFPA Standards
We help operators of coal, lignite and petcoke grinding systems to make production of cement and lime products SAFE✓

About Us Assistance Alternative Solid Fuels Evaluation Partners Recommendations Specification System Layout

Coal grinding systems have wrongs in fire and explosion protection due to purchasing process: See here why.

How to get your coal grinding system correctly protected? You will be surprised about what has gone wrong with fire and explosion protection of your system(s). Be sure about that! Evaluation of a coal grinding system’s fire and explosion protection, including the raw coal storage and the fine coal silo storage normally can be done in one day, mostly without having to stop coal grinding.

The evaluation will be done by way of touring the plant, making photos and having interviews with the people responsible for the operation. This will result in a comprehensive illustrated report and complete recommendations with explanations for necessary corrections. Ask for a free-of-charge offer indicating your airport.

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Act NOW to make your system safe!

A coal grinding system with a mill-to-bag house riser duct (marked with red line) that is very long. Through it, unmitigated flame front propagation could reach a velocity too high for the installed protection to effectively protect the bag house.
A coal grinding system with a mill-to-bag house riser duct (marked with red line) that is very long. Through it, unmitigated flame front propagation could reach a velocity too high for the installed protection to effectively protect the bag house.

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About this Site

Thank you for visiting this website.

This website has been specially developed for operators of coal (and lignite and petcoke) grinding systems for the production of cement and lime products.

You may be looking for more knowledge about the fire and explosion protection of such systems, and you will find it here.

You may want to find out how well your own system(s) is(are) protected or you may want to be well prepared for discussions with potential suppliers of a new system.

This website will not make you an expert, but knowing about what can wrong will help you prevent that new systems are protected insufficiently or incorrectly and help you stop believing that the system(s) you have to work with are safe without actually being safe.

Unfortunately, the potential for new systems to be designed not correctly protected is great. Worldwide the percentage of existing systems not correctly or incompletely protected is close to 100!

Asking CoalMillSafety✓ for assistance is a good idea both in the early stage of planning and when a system is already in operation. Should you be in doubt about the correct fire and explosion protection of your system(s), you very likely are right. As an introduction of the things we are talking about, we suggest you to watch a very informative video from our partner, Thorwesten Vent.

Coal Mill Safety offers:

  • evaluation of the fire and explosion safety of systems and applied operating methods from raw fuel yard to burner feeder systems
  • assistance in the early stage of purchasing coal (or lignite, or petcoke) grinding systems (tender specification)
  • assistance with corrections of incorrectly designed situations

Holistic fire and explosion protection of the indirect firing1 solid fuel grinding systems of cement and lime products producers should be divided into:

  • safe operation
  • prevention of adverse conditions and responding to adverse conditions
  • constructional explosion protection

Safe operation:

  • management of the raw fuel yard that ensures that no fuel undergoing intensified oxidation is loaded on the conveyor belt(s) to the raw fuel silo(s)
  • avoidance of tramp metal in the raw fuel stream
  • use of correctly designed de-dusting filters at belt transition points and at the raw fuel silo’s in-feed point
  • use of monitoring instrumentation for temperatures, O₂ and CO with the correct trigger points for reaction on adverse conditions and with the knowledge of the operators to correct adverse situations in place

Prevention of adverse conditions and responding to adverse conditions

  • knowledge and training of the operators how to correct adverse situations
  • having an effective emergency inerting system in place

Constructional explosion protection2

  • having the right explosion pressure shock resistance of equipment in place
  • having effective self-reclosing explosion venting of the correct capacity in place
  • having effective explosion de-coupling in place3
  • having effective explosion isolation in place4

CoalMillSafety✓ is a call to action to ensure the safety and well-being of those working in environments where coal milling is a critical component. To take steps toward safer coal mill systems, email us

  1. Indirect firing grinding means: ground material is intermediately stored in a silo, for which it needs to be separated from the process air stream ↩︎

  2. Constructional explosion protection is protection by design that will, in case of a fire or explosion, cause zero damage or damage to a pre-defined maximum degree ↩︎

  3. Explosion de-coupling prevents dangerous transition of explosion effects from one system section into another section ↩︎

  4. Explosion isolation completely prevents all transition of explosion effects from one system section into another section ↩︎

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