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Explosion and Fire Protection Consultancy

Working with CoalMillSafety✓ will help achieving compliance with the ATEX Directives, EN Norms and NFPA Standards
We help operators of coal, lignite and petcoke grinding systems to make production of cement and lime products SAFE✓

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Coal grinding systems have wrongs in fire and explosion protection due to purchasing process: See here why.

AFs drive improved fire and explosion protection

The introduction of alternative fuels (AFs) in a cement plant can often provide a good opportunity to improve fire and explosion protection systems. The availability of specialised knowledge is key to the successful completion of these projects. Read more →

Safe operation of coal grinding systems: Raw coal silo protection against fire and explosions

Preventive explosion protection makes it difficult for fires and explosions to happen. For this, the safe operation of the system is necessary Read more →

Safe operation of coal grinding systems: Raw coal yard management

Preventive explosion protection makes it difficult for fires and explosions to happen. For this, the safe operation of the system is necessary. Read more →

Basis for correct protection

The purchasing process for coal grinding systems needs changes

The suppliers certainly are not wrongly describing and designing their incorrectly protected system designs on purpose. They don’t know better when they are doing it. But things are going wrong. Read more →

Baghouse Safety by Design

While cement industry's present focus on decarbonisation and the use of coal is expected to decrease, the attention paid to the correct design of fire and explison measures in coal grinding systems is expected to reach alarmingly low levels. Read more →

Fire and explosion protection of coal grinding systems. Where are we today?

With ‘everybody’ in the cement industry focussing decarbonisation, but with coal grinding systems still being used in the foreseeable future, the topic dealt with here must not be shoved into the background. There is a serious need for change here too. Read more →

Protección contra incendios y explosiones en sistemas de molienda de carbón: ¿en qué punto nos encontramos hoy? (ES)

El artículo describe por qué los nuevos sistemas de molienda de carbón tienen una fuerte tendencia a contar con una protección contra incendios y explosiones incorrectas en sus diseños y por qué la forma en que se compran estos sistemas no es la apropiada. Read more →

Safe Fuel Grinding

Fuel grinding systems in cement plants require adequate protection against the hazards originated by potential fires and dust explosions. Coal Mill Safety takes ICR readers through the design of the part of the coal and petcoke grinding system to highlight the design required to operate a safe fuel grinding system. Read more →

Safety considerations when purchasing a stand-alone coal mill grinding system

When a complete clinker line is purchased the attention paid to the details of the coal grinding system with regards to explosion and fire protection will usually be limited to a list of standards, codes and rules to be complied with by the supplier. However, when new coal grinding systems are purchased for existing lines, the situation is similarly complex. Read more →

Защита систем помола угля от пожаров и взрывов, Часть I (RU)

Несмотря на тренд декарбонизации в цементной про­мышленности, предполагающий замену природных видов топ­лива альтернативными, установки измельчения угля широко используются, и задачи обеспечения их взрыво- и пожаробез­опасности вряд ли утратят значение в обозримом будущем. При этом поставляемые на предприятия отрасли защитные системы не всегда позволяют успешно решить такие задачи. В настоя­щей статье описаны средства защиты установок помола угля от пожаров и взрывов, факторы, от которых зависит эффектив­ность таких средств, и способы ее повышения. Read more →

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