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Explosion and Fire Protection Consultancy

Working with CoalMillSafety✓ will help achieving compliance with the ATEX Directives, EN Norms and NFPA Standards
We help operators of coal, lignite and petcoke grinding systems to make production of cement and lime products SAFE✓

About Us Assistance Alternative Solid Fuels Evaluation Partners Recommendations Specification System Layout

Coal grinding systems have wrongs in fire and explosion protection due to purchasing process: See here why.

How to get your coal grinding system correctly protected? You will be surprised about what has gone wrong with fire and explosion protection of your system(s). Be sure about that! Evaluation of a coal grinding system’s fire and explosion protection, including the raw coal storage and the fine coal silo storage normally can be done in one day, mostly without having to stop coal grinding.

The evaluation will be done by way of touring the plant, making photos and having interviews with the people responsible for the operation. This will result in a comprehensive illustrated report and complete recommendations with explanations for necessary corrections. Ask for a free-of-charge offer indicating your airport.

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System Layout Assistance

Concept of an easy-to-protect system with a simple, largely open structure.
Concept of an easy-to-protect system with a simple, largely open structure.

A coal mill system design can be all, safe and good to build, good to use, good to maintain and good to keep clean. Most designs used should be re-thought rather than be repeated all the time.

Key Requirements

  1. Structure open where possible

  2. Processed-material paths as short as possible

  3. Access paths as short as possible

  4. As little steel & concrete structure as possible

  5. As little hazardous areas as possible

  6. All that is necessary for safety being implemented

Of the design a supplier will offer you it cannot be expected that these requirements are fulfilled. Almost all system designs used are decades old and nothing but repeats, with the faults in them.

With assistance of CoalMillSafety✓ you can set up the discussion with your supplier on a well based footing. Do this in the earliest stage of your purchasing process, starting with the tender.

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Let <a href=''>CoalMillSafety✓</a> help you get it right.
Let CoalMillSafety✓ help you get it right.